Reminder for Lisburn people over tax credits

The 1,100 people from Lisburn who receive tax credits in Northern Ireland are being reminded by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to renew early before the 31 July deadline to avoid a last minute rush.

HMRC has begun sending tax credits renewal packs to about 5.8 million households.

The packs are sent out between April and June.

Claimants need to tell HMRC about any changes to their circumstances that they haven’t already reported, including changes to working hours, childcare costs, and income, or if a partner has moved in.

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HMRC’s Director of Benefits and Credits, Nick Lodge, said: “People should check their details and renew early to make sure they get the right money. Don’t leave it; people who don’t renew on time risk losing their payments.”

HMRC’s phone lines become busy as late July nears, so the earlier claimants renew their claims the quicker and easier they will find it.

More than three million claimants renewed by the deadline last year, 86 per cent of those who were required to renew their claims.

Claimants are urged to have the right documents available to help reduce mistakes when they are checking their form or calling HMRC’s Tax Credits Helpline. These would be, for example, payslips, end of year P60 forms and childcare payment details.