Election in Mid Ulster: SDLP candidate fears EU exit

SDLP's Malachy QuinnSDLP's Malachy Quinn
SDLP's Malachy Quinn
SDLP Mid Ulster Westminster candidate, Malachy Quinn, has warned that the result of the May General Election could lead to Northern Ireland leaving the EU.

His comments followed the recent publication of an independent report for the Assembly Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment, on the consequences for the Northern Irish economy from a British exit from the European Union by the Open University Business School.

Mr Quinn said: “It has been estimated that exiting the EU would cost the North around £1 billion a year. The impact on inward investment, trade and exports, including North/South trade and economic co-operation would be devastating.

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“The Unionist parties would prop up a Tory and allow them to deliver that referendum. Sinn Fein will have no say in the formation of the next UK government and they will not be in the House of Commons to vote against any proposed referendum.”

He added: “SDLP MPs will be there to vote against the Tory campaign to withdraw from the EU.”